To convert a variable, one use the same code you uses with the c-function printf.

Convert a Int to a String:

%d: 32 Bit sign-integer number
%u: 32 Bit unsigned number
%x: 32 Bit unsigned number, with hexadecimal-codeConvert a Float to a String:
%f: float number

%10.3f: float number
_7 digits for the numbers before the decimal point
_3 digits for the number after the decimal point

%.3f: float number
any number before the decimal point
_3 digits for the number after the decimal point

Convert a Double to a String:
%f: double number

%10.3f: double number
_7 digits for the numbers before the decimal point
_3 digits for the number after the decimal point

%e: double number
the number convert in exponetial-system: 1.34E+3

Format a String:
%@: String-Format

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